COREnect 2nd General Assembly meeting 2021


The second COREnect GA meeting in 2021 took place online on September 8th 2021, after the summer break. It was very nice to see each other again.

With more than 17 participants, the consortium discussed its achievements in the past months, pending points, and shared its plans for the next upcoming weeks and months of project with special attention to the 1st EC review meeting.

There is a good alignment between WP and expert groups and excellent coordination to carry out the activities programmed in COREnect.

The consortium is confident that it will reach the ambitious goals set out by partners and continue its success within 2021.


Could COREnect impact the European strategy in microelectronics and connectivity in the next 10 years? Find the Interview with the coordinator of the project!


COREnect participation at the EuCNC & 6G Summit