Could COREnect impact the European strategy in microelectronics and connectivity in the next 10 years? Find the Interview with the coordinator of the project!

The Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) is the project coordinator and one of the largest “Technische Universitäten” in Germany. It is also one of the leading and most dynamic universities in Germany. In the area of mobile communications, TUD is a global research leader and has been continuously working on pioneer research and contributing to the development and evolutions of mobile networks in the past 20 years. It founded 5G++Lab Germany in 2014 that enjoys international reputations and an extensive research and industry network around the world.

The Barkhausen Institut was founded in 2017 in Dresden, Saxony. It brings together researchers from a variety of backgrounds from all over the world. Barkhausen Institut targets to develop break-through technology with the aim of increasing the dependability of IoT systems (Internet of Things), which includes ensuring availability, integrity, and confidentiality.

The chair  was founded in September 1994. The objective of the Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems at the TU Dresden is to carry out leading-edge research which adds to the advancement of wireless communications technology, by working on industry relevant problems related to next generation wireless systems. Thorough fundamental research as well as close industry cooperation are key to the success of our projects. Wireless/mobile communications is mainly driven by three branches of industry, namely : network operators, equipment manufacturers and semiconductor manufacturers.

Yaning Zou -

Technical manager of the COREnect project

Yaning Zou is a programme manager and senior researcher in charge of all the EU projects/proposals at the Vodafone Chair with a special focus on industry strategy and alliance for 6G development.

She has published over 30 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and one book chapter. Her general research interests are in physical layer design and RF implementation challenges of 5G and beyond communication system and related ICT Policies.

 How did you join COREnect? What is your role in the project?

I started COREnect from scratch in the summer of 2019. It was very difficult at the beginning as taking hardware aspect in network design was not a popular view at that time. I am very grateful for all the valuable support from partners and TUD internally (Gerhard and EPC) on the way and to make this project possible.

Now, in the operation phase, I basically coordinate and manage the operation of project in a daily base with support of WP leaders, Task leaders and project partners. Meanwhile, as a part of my responsibility, I maintain close communication channel and collaboration with PO Mario Scillia, ensuring good alignment of COREnect objectives with policy priorities of EU.

What are your expectations from a project of this nature for your organisation?

We are university and targeting to serve the common good and promote advances in science and technologies. In the area of mobile communications, Vodafone chair has been quite active in leading and shaping the view of technologies and industry globally. Building towards 6G, we see a clear convergence of different elements and the critical importance of bridging network and microelectronics sides. Such an importance is amplified by all the technological, business and geopolitical challenges that Europe is currently facing. Building the COREnect consortium and then leading the project are the concrete ways to crystallize our visions and also to bring key stakeholders together for developing a healthy and sustainable ecosystem in Europe.

In your view, could COREnect impact the European strategy in microelectronics and connectivity in the next 10 years, and how??

Yes, under current trajectory, I am confident that COREnect is creating a lot of impacts and will continue to impact more even after its duration. To begin with, stimulated by the exceptional dissemination activities of COREnect, we observe a major mind-set shift in both microelectronics and connectivity industries. This is not just for organizations who are in the COREnect partners but also many other organizations outside COREnect consortium. It is not a question any more whether we should take a holistic perspective on both microelectronics and connectivity but how to do this. For this, COREnect has been working in the past year and reported major findings in its deliverables, workshop and dissemination channels. To name a few, COREnect has provided its contribution to the definitions of the related EU level R&I programme, e.g. ECS SRIA, SNS 2021-2022 Work Programme and IPCEI2. In the next step, we will work on R&I and investment recommendations and finalize the industry roadmap with recommended strategic measures, targeting to help both public and private stakeholders find a smart and implementable way to step up and succeed in the next 10 years. 


COREnect’s 4th Newsletter is out!


COREnect 2nd General Assembly meeting 2021