An Action Plan for European Leadership in Digital Infrastructures - COREnect Policy Workshop

The COREnect Policy Workshop brings together stakeholders from the microelectronics and connectivity domains, from public authorities as well as private organisations, to discuss the priorities and recommendations from the COREnect roadmap, and how to implement the concrete steps required to achieve European leadership in microelectronics and connectivity within the next 10 years through a concrete action plan.

This should lead to defining a concrete way forward bringing Chips act into reality in the connectivity domain, building a solid foundation towards a prosperous European digital decade, through the constitution of a combined microelectronics and connectivity European ecosystem.

Thursday, June 16, 2022 - 10.00-13.00 CET - Online Meeting

Please, find the draft agenda and a list of speakers with pictures and bios:

10:00-10:05 Opening Jacques Magen, AUSTRALO, NetworldEurope SME WG Chair. (Presentation)

10:05-10:25 Chips Act – A European Strategy on semiconductors in 6G systems for the Digital Decade

Marco Ceccarelli, Programme Officer – Microelectronics and Photonic Industry. EC/DG CNECT. (Presentation)

10:25-10:45 A Strategic Roadmap for Strengthening European Leadership on Microelectronics and Connectivity. Fredrik Tillman, Research Manager at Ericsson, & Frederic Gianesello, RF Technical Leader, STMicroelectronics. (Presentation).

10:45-11:35 Panel #1

Learning from the COREnect roadmap and the existing landscape (KDT and SNS JU, IPCEI, Chips Act proposal, existing initiatives at MS level): what would be the required strategic actions to address EU concerns on its autonomy in trusted critical connectivity infrastructures?

  • Moderator: Yaning Zou, COREnect Technical Manager, TUD.

  • Julia Jasinska, Head of international relations & strategic advocacy, Government Affairs International Nokia.

  • Peter Stuckmann, Head of Unit, DG CNECT, EC.

  • Ben Ruck, Programme coordinator European R&D&I programmes, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands.

  • Ingrid Moerman – Director of the Deterministic Networks program at imec, and Chair of the Board of the public safety operator ASTRID in Belgium

11:35-11:45 Coffee break

11:45-12:55 Panel #2. How can we use the existing and planned European landscape to invest and provide policy support for implementing an innovative and vibrant microelectronics and connectivity ecosystem, and an abundant pool of skills & competence?

12:55-13:00 Conclusion Yaning Zou, COREnect Technical Manager, TUD.


Telecommunications and microelectronics: How should Europe (re)-act? - COREnect workshop at EuCnC 2022


“Microelectronics and connectivity: Europe going forward”: 3rd COREnect workshop