EFECS2020 - 1st COREnect Workshop


On November 25-26, 2020, the EFECS2020 event took place. EFECS is an international forum that focuses on Europe's digital future along the electronic components and systems value chain.

AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA, EPoSS, ECSEL Joint Undertaking and the European Commission, in association with EUREKA and with the support of BMBF, were the organisers of the event this year and have joined forces to bring together all interested parties during those two days.

This year the event was organised online, due to the pandemic context.

COREnect participated in the event with the 1st COREnect workshop entitled “Building European technological sovereignty in 5G and beyond”.

EFECS2020 - 1st COREnect workshop

The video of the workshop may be found here.

Disclaimer: The video was recorded by EFECS2020 during the COREnect workshop on the 26th of November. It reflects the collected views of all experts involved. It does not reflect the opinion of any single COREnect partner or any of the organisations with which the experts are affiliated. The COREnect consortium partners are not liable for any consequence stemming from the reuse of this publication.

Components for the next generations of telecommunications systems and services need to be more and more performant, reliable, trustworthy, and environment-friendly. The COREnect project is drafting a roadmap to consider how to create a European industrial ecosystem to build core technologies for future connectivity systems in the next 5 to 10 years. High-level experts from industry and research, from both the European Components and Systems and from the Networks and Services domains, exchanged their views, along with the audience, on this ambitious target, at strategic, technological, and societal levels.

You may also find the presentations that took place at the workshop below:

  1. Welcome.

  2. COREnect: Paving the way for European Technological Sovereignty in 5G and beyond.

  3. Towards European Strategic Autonomy in Future Connectivity Systems.

  4. Initial Observations and ideas from COREnect.

  5. Building European Technological Sovereignty in 6G – Panel Session

  6. Roadmap and recommendations: Expert Group Session.

  7. Expert Group 1: Computing & Storage.

  8. Expert Group 2: Communications & Sensing.

  9. Expert Group 3: Peripheral Core Technologies for Future Networks.

  10. Next steps.

  11. Roadmap and recommendations – Q&A Session.

  12. Conclusions.


2nd Press Release